Starr Sanford Design | South Main | Colorado



South Main founders, Jed and Katie Selby, are two visionaries who saw the opportunity to create a world-class whitewater park and environmentally friendly development that kept the river corridor open to the public and available for river enthusiasts everywhere. They also saw the potential to create a community designed around getting people out of their cars and talking to their neighbors during their walk to the market, coffee shop, or kayak wave. The South Main Style incorporates many of the more basic Victorian patterns, at times simplifying historically ornate details, which results in elegant, traditionally principled, and well-proportioned designs. Ultimately the goal is to create an indigenous and distinctive architecture that is both appropriate and uniquely suited for a new neighborhood in Buena Vista, Colorado, creating a style and character that is extremely rooted in its place and therefore distinctively South Main.

Project Team
Starr Sanford Design, Conceptual Architectural Design, Charrette
Jed and Katie Selby, Town Founders
Kenny Craft, Town Architect
Dover Kohl and Associates, Planner
New Urban Guild, Design Charrette